DAY [4/45] The DSA Challenge led by Arsh Goyal Solved the following 👇 problems today: - 1) Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock || 2) Three Sum 3) Four Sum 4) Subarray Sums Divisible by K To track my progress please visit the link 🖇️ below 👇 Also, along with the solution code, link to the problem description is given. #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving #Arrays
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🎯DAY [14/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today's solved problems are - 1) Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 2) Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II 3) The Celebrity Problem 📚These problems are medium level problems, including topics - Stack and Queues To track my progress please visit the link 🖇️ - #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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🎯DAY [2/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today's solved problems are - 1) Sort Colors 2) Move Zeroes 3) Two Sum 4) Container With Most Water 🔗Link to my repo - #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #ProblemSolving #Arrays
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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🎯DAY [7/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today I have solved the following problems - 1) Valid Parentheses 2) Valid Palindrome II 3) Excel Sheet Column Title 4) Find Pair Given Difference To track my progress please visit the link 🖇️ below 👇 Solutions along with problem description link are given in my repo #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving #Sorting
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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🎯DAY [23/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today's solved problems are - 1) Sort a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s 2) Remove Linked List Elements 3) Reverse Linked List 4) Add Two Numbers To track my progress please visit the link 🖇️ - #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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🎯DAY [6/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Solved the following problems today: - 1) Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements 2) Add Binary 3) Maximum Product of Three Numbers 4) Product array puzzle 📚These problems are easy and medium level problems, including topics - Arrays, Math, Sorting, String, Bit Manipulation, Simulation. To track my progress please visit the link 🖇️ below 👇 Also, along with the solution code, link to the problem description is given. #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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🎯DAY [13/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today's solved problems are - 1) Spiral Matrix 2) Word Search 3) Game of Life For solution visit the link 🖇️ - #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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🎯DAY [22/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today's tackled problems are - 1) Middle of the Linked List 2) Linked List Cycle 3) Remove Duplicates from Sorted List To track my progress please visit - #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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I hope you all are doing extremely well. Here is my day 29 of the 60-day DSA challenge. Today I solved 4 problems based on binary search trees. The problem named the largest BST in a binary tree was on the tougher side but it can be solved by postorder traversal and by checking for BST from the bottom i.e. bottom-up approach and storing the sum taking its max at every recursive step. That’s it for today see you all tomorrow. #DSA #CodingChallenge #60DaysOfDSA #ProblemSolving #Learning #Coding #Algorithms #DataStructures #Engineering #Internship #developer #C++ #engineer
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🎯DAY[5/45] The DSA Challenge by Arsh Goyal Today's solved problems are - 1) Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String 2) Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards 🔗Link to my repo - #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship #TheDSAChallenge #Coding #DSA #ArshGoyalDSASheet #Prepration #ProblemSolving #Array #String
GitHub - akankshasHub/The-DSA-Challenge: #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshGoyal #ProElevate #DSA #Coding #Challenge
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Hope you all are doing well. Here is day 7 of my 60-day DSA Challenge, Today I moved further with the linked list solved 8 questions, and got to know about the Tortoise and Hare algorithm. It is used in problems related to the cycle in the linked list such as cycle exists or not, cycle length, start point of the cycle.In this algo there are two pointers slow and fast, slow move by 1 node and fast by 2 nodes, if there is a cycle then they will meet at some point otherwise fast pointer will reach to end of the linked list. That’s it for today see you all tomorrow #DSA #CodingChallenge #60DaysOfDSA #ProblemSolving #Learning #Coding #Algorithms #DataStructures #Engineering #Internship
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