Hello, LinkedIn. Time flies when you're having fun ~ 252,288,000 seconds worth thus far. That's 8 years. Happy Gartner-versary to me. As we race towards the end of 2024, I'm thankful for.... 💙 Awesome #Gartner colleagues. There are way too many to name but know that all of you have made an impact on me. Thank you. 💙 Supportive managers. I've had an unfair share of great managers who nurtured my career in Gartner. Thank you. 💙 New areas of knowledge to explore daily. The more I learn, the more I need to learn. It keeps me sharp. Thank you. 💙 World-changing #GartnerHT clients. I'm grateful so many of you allow me to advise on your mission-critical priorities. Thank you. Happy Holidays, one and all. Enjoy your time with loved ones. Come 2025, stay tuned for more from this tall Asian in Texas! 😊
Congrats on 8 years Adrian!
Congrats on 8 years, Adrian! I take it that's you in the picture?