⭐️My career in tech for the last 8 years has primarily been male dominated and finding my way has been a journey. These tips n tricks have helped me find my voice as a product designer.
💡 Navigating the Realm of Product Design in an Engineering-centric Environment💡
In the realm of product design, particularly within engineering-focused companies, the landscape can be challenging, especially in teams with a female population of 1 — me. While there’s no shortage of articles addressing women in tech, my journey as a product designer has often felt like charting unexplored territory.
But I’m not here to complain. Instead, I want to share my experiences and insights, offering tips to elevate the role of design within your teams and drive product development forward.
Design or design thinking is still a relatively new concept for many, often reduced to merely “can you make this look good?”🥹. But in reality, we should be leading a dynamic process involving customer engagement, identifying pain points, solution crafting with product managers and engineers, and iterative refinement based on feedback. This cycle, epitomized by Build-Measure-Learn, which places design at its core.
➡️ However, the reality often diverges and I’ve frequently found myself sidelined or input disregarded.
In my fair share of being talked over or dismissed in meetings, it’s not an enjoyable experience, but through trial and error I have used these tricks to have my voice be heard. 🚀
Take 2 minutes to read my story here ⬇️
#womenintech #productdesign