This is something that I think anyone in a professional setting should take a minute to read. I've found over the last few years, especially once Covid forced so many to work remotely, that the common courtesy of responding or replying to a call or email is now a lost art. No matter what area of business you may be affiliated with; sales, marketing, HR, management, etc., it's incredibly frustrating to be "ghosted." Most everyone is far busier than they would like to be, whether it be their job, family, volunteering, or whatever else may take up their time, but leaving other professionals simply hanging isn't a great look. That's especially the case if it's someone you've already had a nice rapport with. Often times those of us who have been ghosted are wondering a number of things that are probably a bit outlandish. "Are they on an extended leave of absence?" "Did they leave their job or get fired?" "Has the budget been slashed and everything we worked on is now thrown out the window?" "Have they been in a wild mountain biking accident?" "Do they suddenly hate me for some reason?" Thankfully, none of those things ever seem to be true. It's almost always something as simple as there is just no answer on things, but for some reason that seems to be difficult to say to the person on the other end. Most of us in sales are accustomed to hearing the words "No" or "this just isn't a good time," so it's unlikely our feelings are going to get hurt. However, any type of response or update is always appreciated, even if it is a no, yes, or that things are still left in limbo. We just want to know that you still exist and that our time and efforts are in any way valued. Professional courtesy doesn't take a lot of time, but it truly goes a long way with those that you work with. Most of us don't always have the answers that we're waiting on, or sometimes the answer is not at all what we want. And that's okay. But please take a moment to share that information with those who've taken the time to work with you.
A simple No Thank is appreciated. I mean a YES is more appreciated but lol…
Assistant Treasurer
7moLet me take the time to formally apologize for “ghosting” you for a lot of 2018. I never wanted to say no to you guys. 🥴 That being said, thank you for writing this. As that person on the other side, it’s good to have that honest call out.