From the course: Writing Case Studies

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Interviewing the subject

Interviewing the subject

- You can't have a case study without a case. That is, an example of someone using your product or service. In this course, that's the Landon Hotel in London, which wants to entice meeting planners to book convention space. Any of their past customers could be the voice of the case study, but there are some criteria. First you should only interview someone who's truly happy with the business you've done together. Second, case studies are personal stories. You can't interview a company, there has to be one specific person who is willing to speak on the record and to let you use their name, title, and likeness. They should also be prepared for some back and forth after the interview as you check facts, get additional pieces, confirm their quotes, and so on. You'll wanna get their permission and cooperation before the interview. Now, I'm not a lawyer, and so I can't talk about what might be necessary in a legal sense. But on a personal level, I've found that people can be quite…
