From the course: Writing Case Studies

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Elements of a case study

Elements of a case study

- I've been a professional writer for about 15 years, and it always surprises people to hear how little of my time is actually spent putting words to paper. That's because it's not just about words. It's about the right words in the right context supported by the right materials. Creating a case study is a lot like this. A scientific journal page like this one holds about a thousand words, but I've found that case studies rarely have more than 400 words of main text per page. On this page that wouldn't count the pull quote, box of bulleted text, or statistics at the bottom. All that extra material has to come from somewhere, so let's look at some of the more common elements, aside from the main narrative text, and talk about how to get it. Let's start with those text elements, which first-timers often forget about. They include headlines and subheads, the first words anybody sees. When I worked at a print publication in the 90s, the entire editorial staff would gather in an office to…
