From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training
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vSphere Standard Switches - vSphere Tutorial
From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training
vSphere Standard Switches
- [Instructor] In this video, I'll explain certain attributes of the vSphere Standard Switch. Specifically, we'll talk about how NIC teaming is performed and how we can configure our VMNICs or physical adapters to tolerate failures. So our VMNICs are actually the physical adapters of the ESXi host itself. And each VMNIC can only be assigned to a single virtual switch. Our virtual switches can't share VMNICs. So in this slide, we see a virtual switch with three physical adapters or VMNICs. And our network is in a healthy state. So all three of my adapters are connected and have a nice green link light at this moment. Traffic for this virtual machine is currently flowing through the first physical adapter. And let's say that something happens, like for example, let's say we have a new intern, and we send him into the data center where we say, "Go ahead and clean up the cables." And he goes in with his scissors, and he starts cutting cables, and he just so happens to cut the wrong cable.…
Virtual networking5m 52s
vSphere Standard Switches18m 57s
vSphere Distributed Switches13m 24s
Virtual switch features9m 31s
Demo: Create a vSphere Standard Switch8m 41s
Demo: Create a vSphere Distributed Switch8m 9s
Demo: Create vSphere Distributed Switch features17m 40s