From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training

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vSAN, part 1

vSAN, part 1

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll learn about VMware's Virtual SAN or vSAN product that leverages the local storage of ESXi hosts to present high performance shared storage across a cluster. I know that's a mouthful, so let's start with the very basics, right? With Virtual SAN, we are going to allow local storage to be used as shared storage, right? And this is really important because for features like vMotion, or high availability, or DRS, we have to have shared storage, right? We require shared storage for any of those features, right? So if we're going to vMotion a VM from one host to another, if we're going to enable HA across a cluster and allow virtual machines to fail over across that cluster if a single host fails or if multiple hosts fails, we have to have shared storage in order to enable those features. And same thing with DRS. If we're going to enable Distributed Resource Scheduler, we have to use vMotion for that and therefore we require shared storage. So if you're…
