From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training

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Fibre Channel storage

Fibre Channel storage

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at some of the basics of Fiber Channel storage, we'll look at how your ESXi host connects to a Fiber Channel storage array and we'll go through some of the basic terminology of Fiber Channel and how we can use it to create a VMFS data store. So Fiber Channel is one of the possible array options that we can choose from. We've got other options like iSCSI or Fiber Channel over ethernet, but just really think of the Fiber Channel aspect of this as a way to connect ESXi host to storage. And Fiber Channel is a VMFS storage option and that means we can do things like boot an ESXi host from a Fiber Channel LUN or create raw device mappings. So let's talk about some of the pieces that make up our Fiber Channel storage array and for the moment, we're just going to focus on the network and the storage array itself. So here we see our Fiber Channel switch fabric and these are our switches, all right? These are the switches that connect the ESXi…
