From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training

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DRS and automation levels

DRS and automation levels

- [Instructor] In this video, I'll explain the different automation levels that can be enabled on a distributed resource scheduler cluster. The first automation level is called manual mode, and manual mode is often the first step taken when you create a DRS cluster. Manual mode is going to provide you with recommendations, but it's not going to take any automated actions. It won't vMotion virtual machines without asking you. It won't place virtual machines on hosts as they power on automatically. It will simply provide you with a list of recommendations that you can choose to manually carry out. When virtual machines are powered on, it will also provide you with what's called an initial placement recommendation. The initial placement is a recommendation that tells you here's the ideal host to run this virtual machine on as it's powered on. So that's manual mode, and that's a great way to get a feel for what DRS is going to do. What is DRS going to recommend? And you can try that…
