From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training
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DRS affinity rules - vSphere Tutorial
From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training
DRS affinity rules
- [Instructor] In this video, I'll explain DRS virtual machine and group affinity rules. When we enable DRS on a cluster of ESXI hosts, we're going to allow DRS to automatically take virtual machines and move them around, and this could potentially create some unexpected results. So, for example, in our slide here, we see four ESXI hosts, and we have two domain controllers running as virtual machines, and at the moment, they're on different ESXI hosts. When we enable fully automated DRS, we're going to allow virtual machines to be automatically vMotion from host to host. So we have the possibility that domain controller two and domain controller one could end up on the same ESXI host, and if that ESXI host were to fail, well now we've lost both of our domain controllers. So when we automate certain things like DRS, when we allow virtual machines to be automatically moved around, we may need to think about what could potentially go wrong and create some rules that govern this behavior.…
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