From the course: VMware vSphere 6.5 Essential Training

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Demo: DRS

Demo: DRS

- In this video, I'll demonstrate how to configure DRS on an ESXI host cluster. So here you can see my cluster and it currently contains two ESXI hosts. And one of the really critical things that I've already set up in advance here is on my ESXI hosts, I've actually set up a vMotion network. So if we go to each host, we look at the configure option, and we go to our virtual switches, here we can see on both hosts, I have a port group called 199 and a port group called VM Network. And if I look at my other ESXI host, I should see the identical configuration. So I've got the same port groups configured on both hosts, and I've also got a VM kernel port that is marked for vMotion at each one of these ESXI hosts, right? And that's critical, because DRS is completely dependent on vMotion, right? That's all DRS is, is automatic vMotion for the purposes of load balancing. So I've got my vMotion network all ready to go. I've got my VM kernel ports created, I'm in good shape there. So let's go…
