From the course: Vlogging for Business

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Preparing to shoot your vlog

Preparing to shoot your vlog - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Vlogging for Business

Preparing to shoot your vlog

- Alright so you've got your rig built, whichever one you decided upon, You've got your microphone attached to your camera system, and you are basically ready now to go out and take those concepts that you've created and go and shoot your vlog. But this particular movie is for people who want just a tiny bit of a primer on some of the settings they might need to be thinking about when they're using their camera and remember that cameras today are basically computers. They have a sensor and a lens in front of them, but you have to learn your app or the operating system of your camera system, and it's different based on the camera that you choose to use. So we're going to go over a few things, don't forget in the LinkedIn Learning Library there are tons of courses on how to use your camera system for both photography and video production. If you're comfortable with the basics of photography and video production and audio recording, then you can probably skip this particular movie. But…
