From the course: Vlogging for Business

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Audio equipment

Audio equipment

- Let's talk about audio, but before we do that, let's talk about the elephant in the room which is, obviously, if you take a look at me right now, I don't have the beard. Why? Well, it's production, and sometimes things happen in production so we decided to reshoot this movie, I'm actually glad that we did because we're outside, and that's really where I want to talk about audio anyway. What I'm going to do is take you down the line here. Where going to talk about the different rigs that we are using for vlogging, and I'm going to be talking to you about some different mic solutions, and things that you should be thinking about for those applications. The first one here is the smart phone, and what we're going to do with that is not rely upon the internal microphone. I have this little mic here. It's called the VideoMic Me, and that just goes right into the mic jack of your smart phone. Was really nice about this is you can flip it in either direction and I'm just going to go ahead…
