From the course: Unreal Engine Blueprint Interaction for ArchViz Projects

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Setting up the material

Setting up the material

- [Instructor] We now need to create our outline material along of course, with its logic that will be used to figure out just where the edges or outline of our actors are and what it should then do with that information. We want the material to have an adjustable width, and we want it to show the original unaltered render of the actor setting inside that outline. And so, as you might guess, we have quite a few nodes that we will need to work with in order to make this happen. Inside our interactions folder in the content browser then, let's right click and create a new material calling it outline after which we can press return. Let's then open up its graph and click to select the material node itself. As over in the details tab, we want to change the material domain setting to post process, as we will be using the post-process volume to control it. And to help create our effect We will need to add two very specific…
