From the course: Unity: Building VR User Interfaces

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Why worry about dialogs?

Why worry about dialogs?

- [Instructor] I love dialogues. A good dialogue system to me is worth its weight in gold. And in VR, it's no different. So why are dialogues so good? Well, in a nutshell, it's a simple mechanism to communicate with the user. It's also a nice contained state in which we can have users make decisions. It provides clear focus of input and output. When a dialogue comes up, we know what we want to communicate to the user, and we know exactly what we're requiring from the user to move on. Dialogues in general are a generic enough system to be repurposed for many uses. They can be simple dialogues, like Alert and Confirm, forcing the user to make simple decisions or they can be complex dialogues like a user inventory. A good dialogue system can also easily be ported from app to app and improved as we move from app to app. So what's so hard about dialogues in VR? Well, the first is user focus. If our VR experience allows them…
