From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 03 Complex Interactivity
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Syncing movement - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 03 Complex Interactivity
Syncing movement
- [Instructor] Alright, we're finally ready to move some stuff. Let's go to the NetworkManager if you're not there already, we're going to go take what we did for visibility, so ProcessMessagePartVisibility, and I'm going to duplicate this. I'm going to call this ProcessMessagePartMove. Before I forget, I'm going to go put that into my main process message, and I move. Be sure to add in the message data, and now I'm going to head back to my move function. So I still need the sender, that works, I still need the partUID, but I don't need the visibility, I need a Vector3, so I'm going to start by going Vector3 position is equal to new Vector3, and then I'm going to grab my message data, remember, I'm sending through the X, Y, and Z floats, so message.GetFloat, so we're starting from two, that's my X data, and Y data, my Z data, so let's change this to three and this to four. So I have my position data, I…
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Create sync UI, state, and methods5m 45s
Creating your network manager5m 48s
Connecting to PlayerIO7m 42s
Starting a multiplayer connection5m 27s
Testing your multiplayer connection5m 51s
Creating a message handler6m 30s
Processing the join message4m 41s
Working with world state3m 51s
Sending hide messages10m 34s
Making your parts relative7m 35s
Syncing movement4m 39s
Syncing the addition of notes5m 44s
Syncing the deletion of notes6m 39s
AR app in action2m 9s