From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 03 Complex Interactivity

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Installing the PlayerIO SDK

Installing the PlayerIO SDK

- To download the SDK navigate over to the SDK button up here, click on that. Alright, this is the SDK download page. PlayerIO covers a range of different clients and their all included in the same SDK go and click on the download button and go to your downloads folder. If it's not already unzipped then unzip your Player SDK. Lets go take a look inside. You can see all of the different client libraries we're interested in the Unity 3D, Go and click on Unity 3D. You can see they already have an example project here for you there's lots of good stuff in there and I encourage you to dig through it but for now, all we need to do is install the Unity Package before we install the package make sure that you've opened up your Unity project and once you've done that, double click on the PlayerIO Unity Package. This will then open the import dialogue. This will give you a list of all the stuff that their going to be including…
