From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 03 Complex Interactivity
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Adding the button to the in-world UI - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 03 Complex Interactivity
Adding the button to the in-world UI
- [Instructor] Now that we've covered our note system strategy, let's go and start implementing some UI. First, I want to set my scene view to 2D. That allows me to see what's going on better. All right now I'm going to go over and hide some stuff so I can see what's going on. Hide the AR Manager. Let's hide the HUD. Hide the menus. Perfect, here's my part UI. Just the part that I want. Let's go click on Part UI, expand it, and I'm going to duplicate the move button. Let me grab move, control or Command + D to duplicate and we're going to call this add note. Excellent, now I'm going to go into add note and I'm going to set the title. Add note. Now I'm going to grab add note and move it up a little bit. So let's go to the move tool, move it up. And that looks to me like 120, perfect. I also want to do some clean up on my object for the text. So first thing I'm going to do is select that description. And see there's…
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Overview of the note system1m 1s
Adding the button to the in-world UI3m
Making the note data structure5m 11s
Making the note UI objects4m 55s
Making the Part UI Note script4m 16s
Integrating the Part UI Note3m 37s
Adding notes to the in-world UI6m 20s
Capturing the note with the keyboard4m 44s
AR app in action1m 16s