From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 02 Basic Interactivity
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Preparing to slide! - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 02 Basic Interactivity
Preparing to slide!
- [Instructor] All right, it's time to prepare for our movement logic. We're going to be doing this in the AR Manager. So let's go over to Scripts, AR Manager and open this up in our code editor. We're going to start by adding two variables that we're going to be using for our move logic and so right under selected part I'm going to add a vector three. I'm going to be calling this part center in access. This is going to represent the center of the part that we're going to move in access space. Next we're going to be adding a plane variable that we're going to be using to cost array against. So we're going to be calling this private, plane, access plane. Okay, so now I'm going to go take my part center in access and I'm going to go grab that as soon as I start moving. It's going to go down to my enter move state, I'm going to save this off. All right, so part center in access is going to be equal to…
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