From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 02 Basic Interactivity
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Adding a hide button on the in-world UI - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 02 Basic Interactivity
Adding a hide button on the in-world UI
- [Instructor] Alright, our in world popup is doing really well. It's showing us information about the parts, but now, lets make this pop up affect the parts themselves. To do this we're going to start with a hide button. So, we need to add a hide button to this popup. To do that, we're going to go grab one that we've already created. Now, lets go into menu's, lets go to main menu, lets go grab the settings button, duplicate that and bring that into our canvas. We're going to put it right at the bottom, just under close. And we're going to call it hide. Now you can see it's pretty big, so, lets go change some settings to make it match. First thing I'm going to do, is make sure it aligns to the bottom somewhat. Lets just stick to the bottom, if we change the size of our popup, we always want theses buttons to be at the bottom. So I'm going to change, my left, and my right quickly, and than change my anchor point, to the…
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