From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 01 Basic Concepts
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Unity Reflect overview - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 01 Basic Concepts
Unity Reflect overview
- [Instructor] I would be remiss if I did not touch on Unity Reflect. Unity Reflect is an amazing new Unity tool that allows you to easily work and iterate on BIM data through current applications like Revit or Rhino. To quote Unity, multiple designers and engineers working on different systems in one model can push their individual datasets, such as architectural design, structural, or mechanical electrical and plumbing into the same Reflect project. This BIM data is then automatically federated and optimized for real-time 3D and then stored on a local machine, IE, a PC or a network server. Any computer that runs Unity Reflect connect as a server. Reflect is made up of multiple parts. You need to think of it as a client and server combo. First, there is the BIM drawing application plugin, which does two things. It provides access to the drawing data, and then also acts like a server so the data can be accessed. There…
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