From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 01 Basic Concepts
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Setting up the debug panel script - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 01 Basic Concepts
Setting up the debug panel script
- [Instructor] Now that we have our UI all set up for our debug manager, it's now time to drive its functionality via script. To do this, we're going to make a new script. So go over to the Scripts folder, right-click, go Create, C# Script. We're going to call this DeBugManager. Fantastic. Now let's open it up in Visual Studio. To do this, I'm going to double-click on the DeBugManager script, and here it is in Visual Studio. I'm going to do some housekeeping and clean up this class a little bit. So let's get rid of the things we do not need. Excellent. Now, the first thing I want to do is add a reference to my TextMeshPro object. So before I actually make that exposed field, I'm going to add the namespace. So under UnityEngine, I'm going to go using TMPro. All right. Like before, I'm going to add a little header here, and now I'm going to expose my field. So this is going to be public. And I'm looking for…
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Getting your model into Unity4m 29s
Creating your manager script4m 23s
Setting up AR events4m 42s
Adding AR plane events3m 40s
Creating a simple debug panel5m 16s
Setting up the debug panel script2m 44s
Driving the debug panel via script5m 8s
AR comes to life24s