From the course: Unity: AR Visualization 01 Basic Concepts

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Building an Xcode project

Building an Xcode project

- [Instructor] Here we have the Xcode output of our Unity project. We want to open this up in Xcode. To do that, we're going to double-click on the Xcode project file, which will be this file over here, the Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj. Double-click on this and it should open up in Xcode. Make sure that you have this Unity-iPhone node selected here in this hierarchy and this will bring you to this settings page over here. You can see a lot of settings have come through from Unity, things like the project name and the bundle identifier, as well as our minimum iOS version, which is this iOS 11. Now, before we go any further, we want to make sure that we have a iOS device connected to our computer. You'll know that you have an iOS device connected because up over here, it'll show you the device that you're going to deploy to. If your device is not here, please disconnect and reconnect your cable and click on this and select your…
