From the course: Tips to Boost Your Analytical Thinking

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Teach others to boost your analytical thinking

Teach others to boost your analytical thinking

From the course: Tips to Boost Your Analytical Thinking

Teach others to boost your analytical thinking

- The best way to learn is to teach, because it requires you to truly grasp the subject in question. This high level of understanding pushes deep processing and analysis of information to convey ideas clearly, which are key elements of analytical thinking. And this actually has a name, the Protege Effect. We learn more effectively when teaching information to others, regardless of whether our audience is knowledgeable or not. So you could teach a concept to your child, your partner, or your dog. It doesn't matter. It's the act of teaching itself that improves your understanding. This learning technique first began in Germany in the 1980s, when a French teacher wanted to try something new to improve their students' learning of a foreign language. They assigned the students different parts of the course curriculum, which they had to research on their own and then teach to the class. The results, fantastic. The students made huge strides in learning while also gaining self-confidence and…
