From the course: Tips to Boost Your Analytical Thinking

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Sharpen your analytical thinking with brain games

Sharpen your analytical thinking with brain games

From the course: Tips to Boost Your Analytical Thinking

Sharpen your analytical thinking with brain games

- We're never too old to play games, and certain games called brain games, can be used to sharpen the mind, and increase cognitive performance. Brain games such as Sudoku, Chess and crossword puzzles, have many benefits. Besides being entertaining, they have the added bonus of engaging you in problem solving exercises, which may require you to recognize patterns, analyze data, or make strategic decisions, all of which are essential components of analytical thinking. Adopting a regular habit of playing brain games for a few minutes each day is a fun way to advance an analytical thinking mindset. These games challenge players to solve complex problems, testing your ability to approach problems with a structured mindset. Many of these games involve pattern recognition, too, incentivizing you to find connections and draw conclusions based on available information. They may even require data analysis, encouraging you to interpret data for decision making. If you are looking for a new form…
