From the course: Time Management Tips: Teamwork
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Time management for managers and leaders
From the course: Time Management Tips: Teamwork
Time management for managers and leaders
- Most people struggle when it comes to time management. This means that if you're in a managerial or leadership role, you not only need to help yourself but also others. I recommend getting some form of in depth time management training, perhaps the Time Management Fundamentals course here on the library. Here though, are a few tips for managers and leaders specifically. First, is establish a one-to-one meeting schedule. Now, it's very common for people to interrupt each other throughout the day in the workspace. However, I've found that leaders are most guilty of interrupting their co-workers. Why is that? Well, often there's a little bit of a mindset that your time is more valuable. Instead, let's establish a consistent schedule where you bring your questions and they bring their questions and then you deal with them in a focused manner. Second, establish a positive example. This means that if an assignment is…
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Time management for working in teams2m 32s
Making meetings meaningful2m 52s
Reducing interruptions with one-on-one meetings2m 6s
Coordinating deadlines with coworkers2m 41s
Dealing with overlapping responsibilities3m 18s
Following up on delegated items2m 58s
When others fail to keep their commitments3m 21s
Ending meetings with action1m 44s
Avoiding unnecessary meetings2m 43s
Helping others improve their time management2m 5s
Dealing with distracting coworkers2m 6s
Handling the inefficiency of others2m 29s
Helping coworkers reduce interruptions2m 36s
Stopping coworkers from encroaching on personal time2m 17s
Time management for managers and leaders2m 34s
Understanding virtual assistants2m 51s