From the course: Time Management for Managers

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Meeting time vs. working time

Meeting time vs. working time

- To this point in the course, we've mentioned several different meetings that you'll be engaged in. Group meetings, one-on-one meetings, and even special meetings to discuss unforeseen issues. However, you and your team also need to get actual work done. While meetings play a vital role in project completion and coordination, we also need to make sure there's plenty of time reserved for your team to be focused on working on the project. What is the right balance? You're essentially aiming for the 80/20 rule when it comes to your team members. This means that most of their time, 80% of it, should be doing the work, and about 20% of their time or less should be in meetings. In a 40-hour work week that allots up to eight hours for meetings including transition time. So roughly six hours for meetings, and 15 minutes or so to transition mentally and physically out of each meeting. That's the max. The other 32 hours? Focused, getting it done, going to work. On the other hand, you as the…
