From the course: Test Prep: GRE

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Square roots

Square roots

- [Voiceover] In this video, I'll talk about the square root rules that you need to know. So the first one, is just the definition of what is a square root? So if I said, what's the square root of 16? the answer is four because four times four equals 16. So it's basically saying, like, what number times itself will give me 16 and the answer is four. So, a couple rules you need to know. The square root of a times the square root of b those are just representing two numbers that's going to equal the square root of a times b. So, for example, the square root of three times the square root of four would be the same thing as the square root of 12. So if we had roots of the same square root subtracted or added, for instance if I had two square roots of five plus six square roots of five, since the root term is the same I can just add them, so that's going to equal eight square roots of five. Same thing if I subtract, let's say I had four times the square root of three, or four square roots…
