From the course: Teaching Techniques: Blended Learning
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Collecting data with Google Forms
From the course: Teaching Techniques: Blended Learning
Collecting data with Google Forms
- Google Forms offers us the ability to easily create web-based forms without any programming or database experience, then distribute those forms and automatically collect the results into a Google sheet for review and analysis. We want to create our form inside of our Shared Data folder since we want students to enter data, but not edit the form or modify the results. To begin, click the New button and then go to More and select Google Forms. Since we're creating the form inside of a shared folder, we'll get the warning that we've seen before. So we'll go ahead and click OK. A new form will be created in a new tab of our browser. In the top left, click on Untitled and give our form a name. I'll call mine Experiment 02. Add instructions into the Form description so students know what the form is for and what to do. Add the data your lab team collected in Experiment 02. For the first question, we'll want to collect the Group number. For the question type, select Dropdown. Then click on…
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