From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

What you should know before watching this course - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

What you should know before watching this course

- [Instructor] Before I get started with Tableau 10 Essential Training, I wanted to give you a quick overview of what you need to know to get the most out of this course. First, you should have basic computer knowledge. Throughout this course, I assume that you know how to run the program, how to resize windows, and basically interact with any computer application. Next, it would be helpful, though not strictly necessary, to have experience with a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. Many of the techniques that are used within Tableau are also present in Excel and other spreadsheet programs, and having familiarity with them will help but isn't necessarily required. And finally, you should have a willingness to explore. Tableau is a powerful and versatile program. And the more you know about it, the better your analysis will be.
