From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Setting map options

Setting map options

- [Instructor] After you create a map in Tableau you can change your map's options. For example, you can change the type of layers or information that's provided on the background of the map, and you can also change what appears on your map. As my sample file I will use the map options workbook, and you can find it in the chapter 12 folder of your exercise files collection. This map, maps earthquake data, and it's from 2014 and the US Geological Survey. To get a better idea of what is being shown on the map, I'm going to select an area and zoom in. So I'm gonna go to the west coast of California. So I'll zoom in here, and you can see as I zoom in that we start to get a little bit more background data. You can see that there are dry areas, which are shown in kind of a brown, and then there are forested areas which are shown in green. And I will click the pan tool to drag the map over to the left, and scroll in just a bit more. I'm going up on my mouse's scroll wheel to scroll in there.…
