From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Finding members of a group

Finding members of a group - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

Finding members of a group

- [Narrator] The data collections you summarize in Tableau can be quite large. If you want to add members to a group, but don't want to waste your time scrolling through all the values in a dimension you can use the group dialogue box's Find capabilities to identify the values you want to add. I will show you how to use Find to add elements to a group. My sample file is the Find Elements workbook, which you can find in the Chapter Seven folder of you exercise files collection. I already have a group created and you can see it here under Dimensions. And it is a Customer Name group. And you can see it here, also, Customer Name, Afton Lawn Care & Bridgewater Maintenance. What I'd like to do is find another value to add to this particular group. I've kept the list small and straight forward so that it will be easy to see the Find operation as it works. In many cases though, your list will be much, much longer. To use Find to add elements to a group, you go over to the data tab and then…
