From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Displaying a visualization in Presentation mode

Displaying a visualization in Presentation mode - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

Displaying a visualization in Presentation mode

- [Instructor] You can often make your Tableau visualizations easier to comprehend by making them larger. You can either resize the visualizations within the Tableau program window or you can get rid of the user interface entirely and display your visualization in Presentation mode. In this movie, I will show you how to get into and out of Presentation mode. My sample file is the Presentation workbook, and you can find it in the Chapter09 folder of the Exercise Files collection. This workbook contains two sheets, one called CategoryAndYear, which breaks down expenditures. And I also have a worksheet called Crosstab, which displays the same data just, instead of in a tree map, it's in a table. If I wanted to go into Presentation mode, and I'll start on CategoryAndYear, then I would go to the toolbar, and here, about two thirds of the way over to the right, is the Presentation Mode button. I can click it or I can also press F7. In this case, I'll go ahead and click the Presentation Mode…
