From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Defining a highlight action

Defining a highlight action - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

Defining a highlight action

- [Lecturer] When you create a dashboard, you give yourself quick access to overviews of your data. You will probably care most about a subset of your data at any one time, so Tableau lets you highlight data according to rules you define. In this movie, I will show you how to define an action so you can apply a highlight quickly. My sample file is the Highlight Action workbook and you can find it in the chapter 13 folder of the exercise files collection. I have a dashboard that has three displays, BaseData, ExpenseCategory and ExpenseTrend and those displays, or elements, are corresponding to the ExpenseCategory, ExpenseTrend and BaseData worksheets within the workbook. Let's say that I want to use BaseData as a selection tool to highlight specific elements of other dashboard items. For example, I might only want to see data for Furnishings. To do that, and to create a highlight action, I'll go to the Dashboard menu and then click Actions. In the Actions dialog box, I will click Add…
