From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Defining a group for “other” values

Defining a group for “other” values - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

Defining a group for “other” values

- [Instructor] When analyzing data in Tableau, you will often find that misspellings and other data entry inconsistencies mean that multiple terms refer to the same company or customer. You can also use groups to define values that are related and, after you've done so, define a group for other values that you can compare and contrast to your original group. In this movie, I will show you how to create an other group after you've created an existing group. My sample file is the Create Other workbook and you can find it in the chapter seven folder of your exercise files collection. This workbook contains a sheet with a text table, and you can see that I've already grouped Afton Lawn Care & Bridgewater Maintenance together. What I'd like to do is, instead of having all of these other companies listed separately, I would like to have a single other group that summarizes their sales. So what I can do is go over to the Data tab and right click Customer Name (group), not Customer Name…
