From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Changing the summary operation

Changing the summary operation - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

Changing the summary operation

- [Instructor] When you visualize data in Tableau, most of the time you'll want to find the sum of whatever data it is that you have collected. For example, the total number of items ordered, or the price of all those orders taken together. There might be times, however, when you want to perform a different kind of analysis. For example, finding the average cost of orders, or the average number of items ordered. In this movie, I will show you how to change the summary operation for a visualization. My sample file is the summary workbook, and you can find it in the chapter two folder of the exercise files collection. This is a pretty simple visualization. I just have a text table, with my Product Category along the columns area here, along top, and Property City in the rows to the left. And if I go over the marks card, I can see that I'm finding the sum of the quantity of items ordered for each of those categories. If I want to change the summary operation, then I hover my mouse…
