From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

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Adding totals and subtotals to a crosstab

Adding totals and subtotals to a crosstab - Tableau Tutorial

From the course: Tableau 10 Essential Training

Adding totals and subtotals to a crosstab

- [Instructor] Tableau lets you visualize your data in many different ways. And even with the simple cross tabular text table that I have here, you can see that the data is broken out in a way that allows you to analyze it easily. However, all we see here are the individual quantities of orders. In other words, the number of orders for each city within each product category. What I'd like to do is find the total of all orders for each city. To do that, I can add totals and subtotals to my Crosstab. I'll demonstrate that procedure using the Totals workbook, which is a file that you can find in the Chapter 8 folder of the Exercise Files collection. So once again, I have my data table, or text table, set up the way I want it. If I want to add totals or subtotals, then I can go to the Analysis menu, point to Totals and there I see that I can have Row Grand Totals, Column Grand Totals and I can also place the row totals to the left or at the top if I want to. In this case I will turn on…
