From the course: Strategic Agility

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The end of the perfect strategy

The end of the perfect strategy

From the course: Strategic Agility

The end of the perfect strategy

- The rapid pace of change is banging on your door demanding strategic agility. And that means the end of the perfect strategy. How is a new strategy traditionally created? You know the drill. The top management team goes to an offsite retreat, usually in some sumptuous location that line employees could never afford. Throughout the weekend, a strategy consultant walks them through a magical process to define the ultimate strategic direction for the organization. After highfiving all around, management returns from the mountain top with the answer, the perfect strategy that defines a shining path of success. Back at work, things seem to go well for a while. Everyone in mid management in the organization nods at all the right places agreeing it's the most beautiful strategy they've ever seen. Each division and department recalibrates around the new strategy and the results start flowing in. Life is good. And then something happens. Maybe it's a slow decay after three or four quarters…
