From the course: Strategic Agility

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How to be a digital-first organization

How to be a digital-first organization

From the course: Strategic Agility

How to be a digital-first organization

- We can all learn a lot from Silicon Valley companies about leveraging technology to be strategically agile. The key takeaway is be digital in every way possible. For years, my organization has brought groups from around the world to the San Francisco Bay Area to learn about Silicon Valley-style innovation. We visit startups and later-stage tech companies. Then we help visiting executives to understand the ways they can leverage those insights about strategic agility into their own organizations. One of their first realizations is that in some ways high-tech companies have it relatively easy. Strategic agility is a lot easier to achieve when you're starting from scratch. Incumbent organizations have a range of legacy assets that can slow them down, such as internal processes, information technology, even their physical facilities. But that doesn't mean you can't be strategically agile. Then here are some of the learnings from Valley companies that you can use to infuse your…
