From the course: Strategic Agility
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Are you achieving your strategic goals?
From the course: Strategic Agility
Are you achieving your strategic goals?
- If yours was an adaptive organization, how would you know? You're spending all this time and energy trying to roll out processes that can help your organization to be more nimble and adaptive. And is with any journey, you need to know what it looks like when you're coming close to reaching your destination. So here's a set of signposts that should help you to start recognizing any results on the road to becoming more strategically agile. First, you start to see major opportunities in your market that you would otherwise have missed if you weren't strategically agile. You're able to rapidly take advantage of major opportunities, which before you wouldn't have had a prayer responding to. You're starting to improve at attracting and retaining the talented workers you need to make your strategy work. And you're making them part of the strategizing process. You can stop workers in the hallway to ask them if they know the organization's strategy, and they rattle off the top goals before…