From the course: Spring with GraphQL

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GraphQL terminology

GraphQL terminology - Spring Tutorial

From the course: Spring with GraphQL

GraphQL terminology

- [Instructor] Since I assume that you are stronger in Java and Spring than GraphQL, I want to focus a bit on the terms used for GraphQL that may be exposed in this course. The most used aspect of GraphQL, at least in my opinion, comes from queries and mutations flows. Objects are the highest level resource you can retrieve in GraphQL. Objects are defined in schemas, which we will discuss in a bit. Fields are elements from the objects that you can specify in a query to request the data. Fields are elements of the object itself. And with GraphQL, you can specify what you want returned by putting the fields in your query. Queries, as you might expect, are essentially what you are asking GraphQL to return to you. You will see lots of examples of queries as we go forward in this course. Queries have variables in them that allow you to specify specific objects you want returned. And they can be as simple as an ID or as complex…
