From the course: Speaking Up for Yourself and Underrepresented Groups

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Advocating for yourself at work

Advocating for yourself at work

- When we think about the things we care about our family, our friends, our community, advocating for them is second nature. It's easy because we care. However, when it comes to advocating for ourselves, sometimes it can feel much harder. It can also feel uncomfortable. But let's think about it differently. Advocating for ourselves is actually a form of caring. We care about our career, we care about the work, therefore we should give our work the recognition it deserves. But the question is how? It's about doing it with tact. And in this video, I'm going to walk you through two approaches you can implement immediately. The first one is figuring out how to master the ask. The truth is, we can't expect people to hand opportunities to us. We have to ask for it. But the feeling of asking can oftentimes be nerve-wracking. So you'll want to frame your ask using what I call the SAW framework. Structuring your ask this…
