From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

Using the exercise files

- If you are a premium member of, you have access to the Exercise Files used throughout this course. The Exercise Files have been compressed to a Zip file called Exercise Files which you can download from this course's page on the website. Once uncompressed, you'll have a folder called Exercise Files on your desktop. Inside, you'll see the .sesx files corresponding to the chapter titles and movie titles of this course. For example, 01_01 is chapter 1, movie 1.sesx which is the session file type for Adobe Audition. In this folder you'll also find some other files and folders that correspond to various folders and files that will be created as we work through the exercises of the course. I left these in here so you can have access to them, although as you're working, you might create these files yourself. If that's the case, you can simply overwrite the ones that are here. I've also provided you with the Final Mix file which is the result of our work that we do in this course. Finally, you have the Pedal Animation Premiere project file as well so you can open the original Premiere project that we work from in this course. As long as you copy these files and folders to your work hard drive and you don't go moving any files or folders around, all files will link up. The first time you open a session or if something gets moved, Audition might ask you to relink the files. In that case just click Find Automatically and Audition will automatically relink the files as long as the files are present on your drive. In this course, we build a sound design session beginning with the last movie in chapter 1 called Musing Markers to Spot the Picture. From this point forward, the Exercise Files will build on one another until the end of the course. Feel free to use these sessions and work with me, adding your own sound design ideas. If you're a monthly or annual member of, you don't have access to the Exercise Files but you can follow along with your own session file. Alright, let's get started with Sound Design for Motion Graphics.
