From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

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Reversing and editing clips for effect

Reversing and editing clips for effect

From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

Reversing and editing clips for effect

- As we're working on our sound design, we always want to try to tie together repeating motion of a graphic element by using similar sound effects. In other words, when text flies into the screen, then flies out, I want to make my sound design consistent, so we're sonically aware the same object that flew in dramatically is now leaving. But you have to be careful not to repeat the same exact same sound effect too often. In this movie we'll see how we can reverse a clip to achieve that goal. And we'll also explore how to use the Trimmer and Fades tools to finish the job. Let's take this Production Element Title Transition Whoosh sound, for example. Here we have the whoosh sound of the Gluteus Maximus text come in dramatically even with our flanger effect on it it makes it even more dramatic, here it is. (whoosh effect plays) Now if you notice, after that, the Gluteus Maximus text leaves. So it flies in and right around here, it flies away. So we want to, again, have a similar sound but…
