From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

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Building your own custom library

Building your own custom library

- [Instructor] As we were making sound effects from scratch in the previous movies, I was haphazardly naming our files and adding them to a folder called My Sound Effects. Now, this is fine in the short term but as we make more and more files, we'll want to build an easily searchable sound effects library. Let's go over some ideas about how to best organize your files as you do this. Now I might point out, there's no one way to create a sound effects library, there's many opinions about how to best do it but it's definitely a good practice to name your files using several short codes that are super descriptive. So, every file I make starts with an EM. Let me go over to our desktop to show you. Here is our folder of My Sound Effects. These are two sound effects we created and like I said, they're pretty haphazardly named, so if was going to name this dragon purr sound effect, for example, I would start it out with EM and I do that just to identify all the files that I've created…
