From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

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Archiving and revision techniques

Archiving and revision techniques

- Inevitably, any project will go through some revisions if more than one person needs to sign off on it. In this movie we'll go over some ideas on how to keep track of your versions as you save your sessions throughout the day or throughout the week. Then we'll discuss safely archiving the project for the future. Audition sessions are saved to .sesx files which point to media. And there are no rules governing how many .sesx versions you can have for any given project. So one approach I like to use is to go up to File, Save As..., and here I would name the file as something that pertains to the project name and I like to use the date. So for example I would name the project maybe MoGraph for motion graphics and I would do underscore and then today's date. So just a quick way to do the date 060115 so June 1st for example. And then I would do a version number for that day so .1. So here's my naming scheme, you could use this or you can make up your own. I find this one particularly…
