From the course: Software Testing Foundations: Test Preparation

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Pre-alpha testing

Pre-alpha testing

- [Instructor] One approach to preparation that seems counterproductive, even redundant, is doing product testing before you start your alpha testing. In this scenario, you are going to act like you have the full version of the product and begin to run test cases. A pre-alpha test means evaluating early versions of the application, even though you know features are incomplete and you're likely going to hit bugs. It does sound a little crazy, but this former preparation has a lot of really important paybacks. First, as I noted, early access to the software is a great benefit to you and your quality team. You will have the ability to build up expertise on the product, get familiar with its design, and understand its nuances, features, and functionality. In this you are getting an excellent preview of your upcoming tests. Next you'll be able to assess your test cases, identify any potential gaps in your testing, and…
