From the course: Software Testing: Alpha Testing in an Agile World
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Timing, testing, and alignment
From the course: Software Testing: Alpha Testing in an Agile World
Timing, testing, and alignment
- [Instructor] One of the most ambitious and complicated aspects of transitioning from the waterfall methodology to an agile format is the management of time. Going from a long planned and carefully managed sys program to something that is ongoing and shifting every few weeks can be frightening, but, in reality, it can be very rewarding. The one thing common about both scenarios is that time remains one of the most critical concerns of the team, the way it's managed and allocated differ significantly in these two methods. In waterfall, it's a single block of time. And in agile, it's constantly looping back on itself. In both processes, you use the time prior to the test to prep and the time after to plan for future iterations. In agile, you are constantly cycling. Prep, test results, and return to the beginning. You may do this multiple times during the sprint, as you discover issues and receive new builds. The team may…