From the course: Software Testing: Alpha Testing in an Agile World

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Background testing

Background testing

- [Instructor] The biggest challenge a lot of quality managers face when working in an agile environment is that some of the test processes, techniques, cases and tools aren't designed to fit in the window of a brief sprint. In these instances, you are forced to rethink how you might redesign, reengineer and reevaluate each. In some cases, they just won't fit. When faced with this challenge, you may have to run these tests in the background. You will want to examine each test tool and technique you'll be using throughout the project to see the timeline it takes to accomplish each. If you discover some processes can take a week or longer, see whether they add value to the sprint. Share the details with the team of what each test does and why it takes this time. Demonstrate the value and the need for this test so they understand its importance. When considering timelines, it's inevitable you'll have some important test…
